Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) is excited to announce the recent hiring of two new key staff members to strengthen its leadership team. Lisa Whitney as Finance Director, and Jon Megas-Russell as Development & Communications Director. Both will play critical roles in serving the programs that advance SEVCA’s mission to reduce poverty and promote economic self-sufficiency for individuals and families across southeastern Vermont.
Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA) is actively recruiting volunteers to join its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, offering free tax preparation services; as well as assistance with homestead declarations, property tax credit claims, and renter credit claims; to residents across Windsor and Windham counties. With appointments available at multiple locations, SEVCA is looking to expand its volunteer base to meet the growing demand for this vital service.
SEVCA is seeking support for its anti-poverty work in Windham and Windsor county, please give today. SEVCA is predominantly funded by grants but often times they never cover all of the funding required for our programs. Your continued investments in our mission are needed to complete our funding for programs and services that stabilize, improve, and change people’s lives.