Premier of Documentary Film “Ramen Day – The Vermont Everyone Eats Story”

On April 16, 2024 SEVCA hosted the premiere of the documentary film “Ramen Day – The Vermont Everyone Eats Story” in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) and documentarian Corey Hendrickson at the Capitol Showcase Cinema in Montpelier.
“Ramen Day” tells the story of Vermonters coming together to create program that responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by preparing and distributing locally sourced meals made from local ingredients – as well as sharing the stories of many who benefitted from these meals. The Vermont Everyone Eats program ran for 34 months from August of 2020 until March 31 of 2023. The program fed more than 3.9 million meals to Vermonters while bringing in more than 70 million dollars to the Vermont economy on top of the 49 million provided for the program by the governor, legislature, and Federal resources.
SEVCA Executive Director Josh Davis introduced the film with Gary Holloway from ACCD and Hendrickson. The showing was followed by a question-and-answer panel featuring Hendrickson, Holloway, SEVCA Special Projects Director Kathleen Devlin, Amanda Witman of VEE, Ben Rose of Vermont Emergency Management, and Chris Meyer of VEE/SEVCA.
“My intention with "Ramen Day - The Vermont Everyone Eats Story" is to inspire audiences to recognize the power of collective action in addressing societal challenges and to understand the unique value of utilizing prepared meals to combat food insecurity. I hope viewers will be moved to support similar programs in their own communities and advocate for a more equitable and sustainable food system” says the film’s director Corey Hendrickson.
A series of screenings of "Ramen Day" will be scheduled all around Vermont. Watch this website for the dates and locations of these shows. A trailer from the film can be viewed HERE.